♦ Blog Alfira Farhana ♦
Tutorial Icon Tepi Post Title For Blogskin
Sabtu, 9 November 2013 • 5:27 PTG • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum,Today, Al nak buat tutorial icon tepi post title untuk blogskin sahaja.Jom kita tengok macm mana nak buat =)

1. Dashboard > Then pergi Template

2. Tekan ctrl+f then search code ni :

 3. Dah jumpa? Bagus :D Sekarang korang copy code bawah ni, then paste kat tepi kiri code yang korang cari tu :
<img src="URL ICON"/>
 4.Tukarkan URL ICON kepada url icon yang korang nak.

 5.Preview dulu then baru save! Senang je kan? K selamat mencuba :)

Ada beberapa icon cute untuk korang,kalo nak  ambil disini ye :D

Hello & Assalamualaikum to muslims who's reading this and willing to visit my blog.You've stepped onto my blog.I hope you'll like this blog .You may leave your footprints at my cbox or comments. Do follow me and i'll follow you guys back :) Lots of love

Tinta Penulis

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Nice to Meet You <3


Chit Chat

1.Tingggalkan jejak di sini
2.Harsh word not allowed here
3.Boleh request tuto di sini
