♦ Blog Alfira Farhana ♦
Tutorial Letak Iklan Nuffnang di Blog
Ahad, 8 Disember 2013 • 11:54 PG • 0 comments
Salam,tengahari ni Al nak buat tuto pasal letak iklan nuffang kat blog...Tuto ni Al ambik dari akak khadijah.Thank and credit to her ^_^..K let go to the tuto lol xD

1. Pergi sini dan isi maklumat tentang diri.
2. Kalau dah siap semua nye, korang klik pulak my nuffnang(tengok picture ni kalo x tahu)

3. Lepas tu korang klik pulak  kotak tepi tu yang ada tulis manage your blog tu..

4. Lepas tu korang klik ini pulak..

5. Isi maklumat pasal blog and diri korang,

6. Then korang pilih yang mana 1 korang nak tick kat bawah kotak tersebut and then korang copy code yang keluar pastu paste kat ruang Java Script korang (HTML)

7.Preview and save.Kalo jadik comment ye...
                                                                            Credit: Kak Khadijah

Hello & Assalamualaikum to muslims who's reading this and willing to visit my blog.You've stepped onto my blog.I hope you'll like this blog .You may leave your footprints at my cbox or comments. Do follow me and i'll follow you guys back :) Lots of love

Tinta Penulis

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Nice to Meet You <3


Chit Chat

1.Tingggalkan jejak di sini
2.Harsh word not allowed here
3.Boleh request tuto di sini
